Catalogue of Tools & Metrics for Trustworthy AI

These tools and metrics are designed to help AI actors develop and use trustworthy AI systems and applications that respect human rights and are fair, transparent, explainable, robust, secure and safe.

Algorithmic Transparency Recording Standard

Algorithmic Transparency Recording Standard

Algorithmic transparency enables public scrutiny and greater accountability of public sector decision-making processes involving algorithms, helping to fulfil the public’s democratic right to information. Increasing public awareness and understanding of the use of algorithms in the public sector is also essential to building greater public confidence and trust both in the government and its use of technology. 

Proactively providing information in this way also can also:

  • support senior risk owners in departments to understand the algorithmic tools that are being deployed, and take meaningful accountability for their use;
  • highlight good practice and innovative use cases of algorithmic technologies;
  • help to identify potential problems with a given tool early and mitigate the risk of public sector organisations implementing poorly designed tools;
  • reduce administrative burden on public sector bodies by preemptively answering questions which may otherwise be raised through Freedom of Information requests;
  • benefit external suppliers of algorithmic tools by providing clarity around the transparency requirements involved in supplying them to public sector organisations.

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Disclaimer: The tools and metrics featured herein are solely those of the originating authors and are not vetted or endorsed by the OECD or its member countries. The Organisation cannot be held responsible for possible issues resulting from the posting of links to third parties' tools and metrics on this catalogue. More on the methodology can be found at