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ETSI GS ENI 005 V 1.1.1 - Experiential Networked Intelligence (ENI) - System Architecture
The purpose of this work item is to draft a GS to revise and enhance the specification of the software functional architecture of ENI. This work uses as its foundation the Functional Blocks and Reference Points defined in the first release of GS ENI 005.
This work item is organised around three efforts.
The first is to further specify the functional blocks of the ENI System Architecture; the second is to define how model-driven principles are used to define key concepts used by ENI functional blocks; the third is to expand and detail interaction with other SDO Systems.
This work includes:
- specification of External Reference Points,
- specification of APIs for each External Reference Point,
- specification of Interfaces for each API,
- specification of formal semantics,
- specification of cognition processes,
- specification of how closed control loops are realised using functional blocks and appropriate AI mechanisms,
- specification of model-driven principles and procedures that show how the (single) information model is created and maintained,
- specification of model-driven principles and procedures that show how (multiple) data models are derived from the (single) information model,
- definition of how functional blocks are able to work collaboratively to implement desired functionality,
- definition of how context, situation-awareness, cognition, and policy are built using model-driven principles and procedures,
- definition of how knowledge is represented, managed, and processed,
- definition of more detailed interaction with various Assisted Systems in particular reference standard architectures as NFV MANO, MEF LSO, BBF CloudCO, ZSM,3GPP5G, etc. Software architecture, in terms of functional blocks, and related interactions will be addressed to the extent needed for the implementation of the ENI functionalities.
Further enhancements that will be provided by Release 2 that may be found in §9 of GS ENI 005 v1.1.1. © Copyright 2023, ETSI
The information about this standard has been compiled by the AI Standards Hub, an initiative dedicated to knowledge sharing, capacity building, research, and international collaboration in the field of AI standards. You can find more information and interactive community features related to this standard by visiting the Hub’s AI standards database here. To access the standard directly, please visit the developing organisation’s website.
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- System architecture
- Data processing
- Interoperability
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