Agnes Delaborde
Head of department - AI evaluation and cybersecurity - LNE
Dr. Agnes Delaborde is head of the artificial intelligence evaluation department at LNE, after several years with the French center for scientific research CNRS, and the Sorbonne University.
She currently manages a team of fifteen engineers and PhDs, who are regularly joined by PhD students, post-docs and trainees.
Agnes specialises in assessing the impact of new technologies on human users and industry. Her multidisciplinary approach covers several aspects of artificial intelligence: psychosocial components, performance, security, safety, ethics, acceptability and regulation. She coordinated a number of projects for LNE in a range of domains, including agricultural robotics, industrial and medical robotics, and natural language processing.
Since 2017, she has been a member of the steering committee of the Data Sciences and AI cluster of the Systematic competitiveness cluster, as Vice-President Vision & Foresight and in charge of the “AI Assessment” axis. She is also LNE’s representative for the French agricultural robotics association RobAgri. As an expert, she supports various state bodies and supervisory bodies (Ministry of Labour, ASN, etc.) in understanding the regulatory requirements for AI.
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