Charles Fadel
Founder & Chairman - Center for Curriculum Redesign
Charles Fadel is a global education thought leader and author, futurist and inventor; founder and chairman of Center for Curriculum Redesign; chair education committee at BIAC/OECD; co-author of “Artificial Intelligence in Education” (2019); “Four-Dimensional Education” (framework in 23 languages) and best-selling “21st Century Skills”. He has worked with education systems and institutions in more than 30 countries, and spent 25 years in technology management (M/A-COM; Analog Devices; and as founder of Neurodyne AI). Formerly: founder and president Fondation Helvetica Educatio (Geneva, Switzerland); Global Education Lead at Cisco Systems, visiting scholar at MIT ESG and Wharton/Penn CLO, project director Harvard GSE; member President’s Council at Olin College of Engineering, angel investor with Beacon Angels. BSEE, MBA, seven patents awarded & one pending.
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