Graeme Auld
Professor - Carleton University
Graeme Auld is a Professor in Carleton University’s School of Public Policy and Administration, where he co-leads the Decentred Governance in a Digital Era project lab. He has broad interests in comparative environmental politics and global environmental governance, with a particular focus on the emergence, evolution, and impacts of transnational private governance regimes and the contentious politics surrounding and underpinning these developments. Recent work focuses on the role of private auditors in public and private regulatory processes. He is co-author (with Benjamin Cashore and Deanna Newsom) of Governing Through Markets: Forest Certification and the Emergence of Non-state Authority (Yale University Press, 2004) and sole author of Constructing Private Governance: The Rise and Evolution of Forest, Coffee, and Fisheries Certification (Yale University Press, 2014). He was elected to the Royal Society of Canada’s New College of Scholars, Artists and Scientists in 2017.
Recent publications include:
Graeme Auld, Ashley Casovan, Amanda Clarke, and Benjamin Faveri, 2022 “Governing AI through ethical standards: Learning from the experiences other private governance initiatives” Journal of European Public Policy 29(11): 1822-1844 https://doi.org/10.1080/13501763.2022.2099449
Stefan Renckens and Graeme Auld, 2022 “Time to Certify: Explaining Varying Efficiency of Private Regulatory Audits” Regulation & Governance 16(2): 500-518 https://doi.org/10.1111/rego.12362
Graeme Auld, Steven Bernstein, Benjamin Cashore, and Kelly Levin, 2021 “Managing Pandemics as a Super Wicked Problem: Lessons from, and for, COVID-19 and the Climate Crisis” Policy Sciences 54(4): 707-728 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11077-021-09442-2
Graeme Auld and Stefan Renckens, 2021 “Private Sustainability Governance, the Global South and COVID-19: Are Changes to Audit Policies in light of the Pandemic Exacerbating Existing Inequalities?” World Development 139: 105314 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2020.105314
Janina Grabs, Graeme Auld, and Benjamin Cashore, 2020 “Private Regulation, Public Policy, and the Perils of Adverse Ontological Selection” Regulation & Governance https://doi.org/10.1111/rego.12354
Graeme Auld, 2020 “Transforming Markets? Activists’ Strategic Engagement with Private Governance” Organization and Environment 33(1): 31-55 https://doi.org/10.1177/1086026618811299
Graeme Auld's publications
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