photo of Yeong Zee Kin

Yeong Zee Kin

Chief Executive - Singapore Academy of Law

Working groupExpert Group on Compute & Climate
Working groupExpert Group on AI Risk & Accountability
Stakeholder TypeGovernment
ONE AI Member
AI Wonk contributor

Yeong Zee Kin is the Chief Executive of Singapore Academy of Law and former Assistant Chief Executive (Data Innovation and Protection Group), Infocomm Media Development Authority of Singapore; Deputy Commissioner, Personal Data Protection Commission. As Assistant Chief Executive, Zee Kin oversaw IMDA’s AI and Data industry development strategy, including developing forward-thinking governance, promoting adoption, and building capabilities. As Deputy Commissioner, Zee Kin oversaw the administration, formulation and implementation of Singapore’s Personal Data Protection Act. He also spearheaded activities to raise awareness and compliance in data protection. Zee Kin had participated in multiple expert-level platforms on AI Ethics issues, including the OECD Expert Group on AI and the European Commission’s High-Level Expert Group on AI (as an observer participant). He had also spoken at many international and domestic platforms on AI ethics and legal issues.

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