Live data

This section leverages live data to show timely trends about where, how and at what rate AI is being developed and used and in which sectors. Please note that this section is currently being updated and may not reflect the most recent data. Please check back soon for the latest information.

These visualisations use data on AI publications from OpenAlex and Scopus to provide detailed insights into research activities across countries. These visualisations can help policy makers identify strengths and weaknesses in AI research and formulate policies to foster innovation. These data provide insights into the gender breakdown of AI researchers, tracking gender diversity in the field over time.
  • Research (OpenAlex)
  • Academic journals (Scopus)

NOTE: It is important to highlight that data sources and methodologies may differ from those used in OECD research, and therefore results may vary. As such, this section includes full and transparent methodological information. Because methods for measuring AI are still evolving, there remain definitional and other issues that can influence empirical results. Efforts to develop clear definitions, taxonomies and classifications are underway, as are efforts to compile accurate and comparable indicators. Given the current evolving situation, showing trends in a timely manner based on transparent methodologies by partner institutions can be of value to policy makers.