Trends & data overview
OECD.AI compares policy responses and provides data and metrics on AI to inform policy.
It is critical yet challenging to keep abreast of developments and trends in a rapidly evolving field like AI. Across the OECD, measurement work on AI development and adoption is happening in areas like scientific publications, R&D funding, patents, open-source software, private equity investments in AI start-ups and more. The OECD and partner institutions are working to develop a broadly shared understanding of what AI is, in part to be able to measure it. First, this work will take stock of existing approaches to classify and quantify AI, then work towards a broad agreement on quantifying AI consistently across domains. OECD.AI provides a list of OECD metrics & methods as a reference and research tool.
Data visualization tools
At the same time, AI diffusion and adoption are evolving rapidly, so policy makers also need data from current sources. OECD.AI provides live data visualization tools for policy makers to give them the up-to-date evidence base they need for AI strategies and policy initiatives. They show and compare AI developments across countries and regions, including: