Public consultation on the OECD Framework for Classifying AI Systems
To participate in the consultation, you can:
– Take a survey about a pre-selected AI system or one of your choice
– Leave comments on the draft framework

Help OECD.AI shape its Framework for Classifying AI Systems
After a year of work on the Framework, OECD.AI is conducting a public consultation until 30 June 2021 to seek feedback and input on the Framework’s usability and user-friendliness.
The aim of the consultation is to improve the Framework by leveraging a diversity of viewpoints bringing complementary insights.
All stakeholders are invited to partake in the consultation including: standards & technical bodies; business; legislators; regulator networks; civil society, consumers and others.
Key questions asked as part of the consultation:
- Should there be a distinction between core and and non-core criteria? In other words, should there be a core classification framework for less-technical audiences plus additional considerations for more technical and informed users?
- Which characteristics should be core criteria and which ‘optional’?
- Can AI systems be classified with the core criteria both consistently and reliably?
- Which criteria are useful for a more detailed and technically-oriented framework?
- Should there be criteria and classifications that are specific to industries or application domains, e.g. depending on context?
Timeline for the consultation
- Deadline for comments and filling the survey: 30 June 2021
- Publication of comments: Summer 2021 (exact date TBC)
- Official launch of the Framework: September-October 2021 (exact date TBC)
How can you participate?
1. Test the Framework on an AI system of your choice using our online survey (5-15min)
2. Provide comments on the report (~30min)
Please download the report (as a Word or PDF file) and send back your version with comments to using the subject line : “Public consultation – comments on the OECD Framework for Classifying AI”.

❗Before you start: please carefully read the below instructions:
- Unless you request otherwise, your name and input will be made available publicly: please tell us if you would like for your contribution to remain anonymous.
- Please provide the reasons for your suggestions to help us address them.
- The report presented for consultation is not final and will be subject to further discussion and modification, including based on the comments received.
- Any other queries about the consultation should be addressed to:
Background information
AI is changing how we learn, work, play, interact and live. Policy makers and others need smart tools to differentiate between the types of AI systems and the impact that they can have on people’s lives, whether good or bad.
The OECD.AI Network of Experts developed the OECD Framework for Classifying AI Systems as a tool for policy-makers, regulators, legislators and others so that they can assess the opportunities and risks that different types of AI systems present and to inform their national AI strategies.
The Framework links the technical characteristics of AI with policy implications for the OECD AI Principles.
Download 2-pager on the Framework

Download presentation of the Framework

📹 Watch these videos on the OECD framework for classifying AI systems
This project is part of the dedicated Programme on AI in Work, Innovation, Productivity and Skills (AI-WIPS), conducted by the OECD with the support of the German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS).
Watch OECD.AI experts present the Framework at the 2021 OECD International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Work, Innovation, Productivity and Skills.
with the support of:

Data protection notice
There are two ways to participate in the public consultation:
- By responding to an online survey in which you will be asked for your opinion on specific questions and for your email address.
- Relevant responses will be made available publicly.
- In addition, we ask you for your name and institution if you would like us to tie this information to your input and acknowledge your contribution.
- If you wish to remain anonymous please do not fill in the name/organisation field.
- Email addresses collected as part of the survey will not be shared with any external or internal parties.
- By providing comments on the document and emailing these to
- Relevant comments will be made available publicly.
- Unless you request otherwise, your name and organisation will be made available publicly alongside your comments.
- Please write “anonymous” in the subject line of your email if you do not want your name and organisation to published alongside your comment(s).
The OECD is committed to protecting the personal data it processes, in accordance with its Personal Data Protection Rules. Under these rules, you have rights, including to request access, rectification and erasure of your personal data. To exercise these rights please contact If you have further queries, complaints or need assistance in resolving claims related to the processing of your personal data, please contact the OECD Data Protection Officer ( or the Data Protection Commissioner (