photo of Daniel Schwabe

Daniel Schwabe

Professor at the Department of Informatics - Catholic University in Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)

Working groupExpert Group on AI Incidents
Working groupExpert Group on AI Risk & Accountability
Stakeholder TypeAcademia
ONE AI Member

Daniel Schwabe is a Professor at the Department of Informatics, Catholic University in Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), since 1981. His doctoral dissertation focused on formal specification and verification protocols of the Internet, which uncovered a bug in TCP that exists to this day. He has advised over 70 Masters and PhD dissertations and theses. In the 80s, Prof. Schwabe worked on knowledge-based systems, and was responsible for the design and development of the first such systems in Brazil, notably in the medical and legal areas. The evolution of this work led to his current research on design of socio-technical systems, seen as part of men-machine teams that solve problems. In particular, this research has focused on leveraging the formalisms of the Semantic Web and Linked Open Data, especially to support Trust, Privacy and Transparency in Knowledge Graphs. He holds a BSc in Mathematics, UC-Rio (’75), an MSc in Informatics, PUC-Rio (’76), and a PhD Computer Science, UCLA (’81).

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