photo of Osamu Sudoh

Osamu Sudoh

Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies (GSII) - University of Tokyo

Working groupExpert Group on AI Risk & Accountability
Working groupExpert Group on AI Futures
Stakeholder TypeAcademia
ONE AI Member
AI Wonk contributor

Osamu Sudoh is Professor at the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies (GSII), The University of Tokyo. He received his PhD from the Graduate School of Economics, The University of Tokyo. He was appointed as Professor of Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden (1995), Research Professor of the NTT Research Institute (1997-1999), Dean of the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, the University of Tokyo (2012-2015). He has been engaged in research of social informatics, medical-care informatics and applied economics. He had attended the meetings of the AI expert group at the OECD (AIGO) on behalf of Japan since 2018. He also has been invited to various committees and councils held by the government of Japan and advised the development of relevant policies. These include his service as the Chair of the ‘Conference toward AI Network Society’ held by the Ministry of Internal affairs and Communications of Japan since 2016.

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