photo of Sarah BÉRUBÉ


Policy Analyst, AI Policy - OECD

Working groupExpert Group on AI, Data and Privacy
Working groupExpert Group on Compute & Climate
Stakeholder TypeIntergovernmental
OECD Secretariat
AI Wonk contributor

Sarah is part of the OECD AI and Emerging Digital Technologies Division where she has been working on policy issues such as AI and the environment as well as AI, data and privacy. She previously worked for the Government of Canada, where she spent two years working on online safety. Prior to that, she supported the implementation of open government in Canada, coordinating with federal departments, provinces and territories, as well as international organizations such as the Open Government Partnership and the OECD. She is an alum of the Government of Canada Advanced Policy Analysts Program. Sarah has a keen interest in comparative tech policy. She holds a Master’s degree in International Relations from l’École supérieure d’études internationales of Laval University.

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