Estrategia Nacional de Inteligencia Artificial (Documento de Trabajo)

Start date :2021
End date :2026
Name of responsible governmental body :
  • Secretary of Government and Digital Transformation (SGTD;Secretaría de Gobierno y Transformación Digital)
  • Presidency of the Council of Ministers (PCM;Presidencia del Consejo de Ministros)
Description :
  • This first draft aims to present some key aspects of the development of AI in Peru and seek for external contributions.
Peru flag
  • The objective of ENIA is, Peru is recognized as a Latin American leader in research, development, innovation, deployment, use, adoption of AI, and in its ethical and responsible use in the production of public and private goods and services. These efforts aim to accelerate national development and promote digital inclusion while ensuring the reduction of social gaps.
OECD AI principle adressed:
  • Inclusive growth, sustainable development and well-being
  • Human-centred values and fairness
  • Transparency and explainability
  • Accountability
  • Investing in AI R&D
  • Fostering a digital ecosystem for AI
  • Providing an enabling policy environment for AI
  • Building human capacity and preparing for labour market transition
  • International co-operation for trustworthy AI
Relevant policy area covered:
  • Education
  • Industry and entrepreneurship
  • Public governance
  • Science and technology
Related to a theme:
Estimated budget expenditure (range per year):
  • Don't know
Background including shifts in the policy initiative:
  • This initiative belongs to Supreme Decree that approves the Regulation of Legislative Decree No. 1412, Legislative Decree that approves the Digital Government Law, and establishes provisions on the conditions, requirements and use of technologies and electronic media in the administrative procedure
Policy initiative is a structural reform:
  • No
  • No
Link to evaluation or reports:
  • N.A
Funding from the private sector:
  • No
Type of evaluation:
  • N.A
Evaluation provides input to:
  • N.A
Evaluation performed by:
  • N.A
Policy instruments :

National strategies, agendas and plans

  • Type : National strategies, agendas and plans
  • Name in English : Peru's National AI Strategy (1st Draft)
  • Country : Peru
  • Public access URL :
  • Strategy mainly prioritises : Facilitate experimentation in a controlled environment | AI policy governance (e.g. vertical and horizontal coordination, evaluation) | Education and skills | Specific areas/sectors (e.g. new industrial policy, R&D targets for clean tech) | Clusters and regional support (including regional/local R&D investments) | Societal challenges (e.g. social inclusiveness); environmental challenges (e.g. sustainability) | International cooperation on STI | Other | R&D intensity (e.g. GERD as a % of GDP) | Data access and sharing; data governance
  • - Other : AI use in the public sector
  • - Quantifiable target, Deadline : AI policy governance (e.g. vertical and horizontal coordination, evaluation): To facilitate a collaborative AI ecosystem at the national and international level.
  • - Quantifiable target, Deadline : Clusters and regional support (including regional/local R&D investments): i. To improve local infrastructure for AI research and developmentii. To promote the integration of local infrastructure
  • - Quantifiable target, Deadline : Data access and sharing; data governance: i. To facilitate the development of a data infrastructure to make high quality public data available in an open, reusable and accessible formatii. To be a regional leader in the publication of open dataiii. To be a regional leader in the publication of data on biodiversity, native languages and otherminorities in the country.
  • - Quantifiable target, Deadline : Education and skills: To train professionals with competencies for research, development and use of AI in the country.
  • - Quantifiable target, Deadline : Facilitate experimentation in a controlled environment: To promote regulatory sandboxes for key economic sectors of the country as environments for business development (small, medium, large companies, as well as startups) with few regulations in use cases with AI components, promoting their development and innovation in the country
  • - Quantifiable target, Deadline : International cooperation on STI: To facilitate the exploitation of synergies between universities and research centers throughinter-university cooperation, the private sector, public organizations and international organizations.
  • - Quantifiable target, Deadline : Other: To implement AI in the public sector and foster public innovation.
  • - Quantifiable target, Deadline : R&D intensity (e.g. GERD as a % of GDP): i. To Lead regional research, scientific publication and patent publication in AI in key sectors of the country.ii. To be an attractive country for AI research and development.iii. To reduce the gap of participation of women and minorities in AI training program
  • - Quantifiable target, Deadline : Societal challenges (e.g. social inclusiveness); environmental challenges (e.g. sustainability): i. To foster ethical AI, preventing biases and discrimination.ii. Promote the development of AI and its adoption as a tool to boost the country's development and welfareiii. To minimize the effect of job displacement due to the adoption of AI
  • - Quantifiable target, Deadline : Specific areas/sectors (e.g. new industrial policy, R&D targets for clean tech): To promote the integration of AI in the value chain to promote business development in thecountry's key economic sectors
  • Societal challenge(s) emphasised : Climate change
  • Implementation mechanism : Action plan

Public consultations of stakeholders or experts

  • Type : Public consultations of stakeholders or experts
  • Name in English : Public Consultation for the improvement of Peru's National AI Strategy (1st Draft)
  • Country : Peru
  • Public access URL :
  • Coordinating institution name : Secretaría de Gobierno y Transformación Digital and Presidencia del Consejo de Ministros
  • Consultation process objective : Gather insights on the first draft of the National AI Policy
  • Consultation process start date : 2021-05-01
  • Consultation process end date : 2021-05-01
  • Type(s) of stakeholders : Business | Academia | Civil society | Technical community
  • Stakeholders contribute to : Problem definition | Policy objective formulation
  • Method : Online survey | Online feedback
Last updated : Feb 27, 2024
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