- Uganda has set up a national task force to advise government on domesticating technological advance from the fourth industrial revolution to fast track the country's economic development.
- N.A
- Fostering a digital ecosystem for AI
- Providing an enabling policy environment for AI
- Economy
- Public governance
- Don't know
- The 23-people task force, which comprises of engineers, scientists, policy makers and the academia will also advise government on disruptive technologies that can be avoided.
- No
- No
- N.A
- No
- N.A
- N.A
- N.A
AI co-ordination and/or monitoring bodies
- Type : AI co-ordination and/or monitoring bodies
- Name in English : Expert National Task Force on Fourth Industrial Revolution
- Country : Uganda
- Public access URL : http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2019-04/09/c_137963317.htm
- Function : Co-ordination
- Description of changes in institutional arrangements : Creation of governance structure or public body
- Type of coordinating or monitoring body : Coordination or advisory council / committee
- Reports to : Head of national government
- As mechanisms, the coordination body and/or monitoring body : Provides opportunities to involve non-state stakeholders