photo of Pam Dixon

Pam Dixon

Founder and Executive Director - World Privacy Forum

Working groupExpert Group on AI Risk & Accountability
Working groupExpert Group on AI Incidents
Working groupExpert Group on AI Futures
Stakeholder TypeCivil society
ONE AI Observer
ONE AI Member

Pam Dixon is the founder and executive director of the World Privacy Forum, a respected NGO and public interest research group. An author and researcher, she has written influential studies in the area of identity, AI, health, and complex data ecosystems and their governance for more than 20 years. Dixon has worked extensively on privacy and governance across multiple jurisdictions, including the US, India, Africa, Asia, the EU, and additional jurisdictions. Dixon currently serves as the co-chair of a UN Statistical Commission Data Governance working group, and is the co-chair of the World Health Organization Research and Academia working group. At OECD, Dixon co-chairs the civil society multistakeholder work in OECD’s AI Working Party, AIGO. In prior work, Dixon was part of the AI expert group that crafted the OECD AI Principles, which were adopted in 2019. Dixon has presented her work on complex data ecosystems governance to the National Academies of Science and to the Royal Academies of Science. She has written 9 books and numerous studies and articles, including peer-reviewed research on advanced national ID ecosystems for Nature Springer. She serves on the editorial board for the Journal of Technology Science, based at Harvard University. Dixon is the 2021 recipient of the EFF Pioneer Award for groundbreaking research regarding privacy and data ecosystems and was named one of the most influential global experts in digital identity the same year.

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