Dirk Pilat
Deputy Director - OECD Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation
Dirk Pilat, a Dutch national, was Deputy Director of the OECD Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation. He helps oversee OECD’s work on science and technology, innovation, productivity and business dynamics, digital economy policy, consumer policy and industry policies. He retired from OECD on 2022.
Dirk joined the OECD in February 1994 and has worked on many policy issues since then, including innovation, the role of digital technologies for economic growth, climate change and environmental innovation, labour markets, regulatory reform, global value chains, productivity and entrepreneurship, as well as health innovation.
He has served as an expert on various advisory groups and panels, including at the Austrian Institute of Economic Research WIFO, the Rathenau Institute in the Netherlands, Ireland’s National Competiveness and Productivity Council, the UK Productivity Commission, as well as coordinating OECD’s work for the G20 and G7 on the Digital Economy.
Before joining the OECD, he was a researcher at the University of Groningen, where he also earned his PhD in Economics.
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