LDDMM-Face: Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Learning for Flexible and Consistent Face Alignment
The increasing volume of commercially available conversational agents (CAs)
on the market has resulted in users being burdened with learning and adopting
multiple agents to accomplish their tasks. Though prior work has explored
supporting a multitude of domains within the design of a single agent, the
interaction experience suffers due to the large action space of desired
capabilities. To address these problems, we introduce a new task BBAI:
Black-Box Agent Integration, focusing on combining the capabilities of multiple
black-box CAs at scale. We explore two techniques: question agent pairing and
question response pairing aimed at resolving this task. Leveraging these
techniques, we design One For All (OFA), a scalable system that provides a
unified interface to interact with multiple CAs. Additionally, we introduce
MARS: Multi-Agent Response Selection, a new encoder model for question response
pairing that jointly encodes user question and agent response pairs. We
demonstrate that OFA is able to automatically and accurately integrate an
ensemble of commercially available CAs spanning disparate domains.
Specifically, using the MARS encoder we achieve the highest accuracy on our
BBAI task, outperforming strong baselines.