Multi-Source Domain Adaptation with Collaborative Learning for Semantic Segmentation
In recent decades, wildfires, as widespread and extremely destructive natural
disasters, have caused tremendous property losses and fatalities, as well as
extensive damage to forest ecosystems. Many fire risk assessment projects have
been proposed to prevent wildfires, but GIS-based methods are inherently
challenging to scale to different geographic areas due to variations in data
collection and local conditions. Inspired by the abundance of publicly
available remote sensing projects and the burgeoning development of deep
learning in computer vision, our research focuses on assessing fire risk using
remote sensing imagery.
In this work, we propose a novel remote sensing dataset, FireRisk, consisting
of 7 fire risk classes with a total of 91872 labelled images for fire risk
assessment. This remote sensing dataset is labelled with the fire risk classes
supplied by the Wildfire Hazard Potential (WHP) raster dataset, and remote
sensing images are collected using the National Agriculture Imagery Program
(NAIP), a high-resolution remote sensing imagery program. On FireRisk, we
present benchmark performance for supervised and self-supervised
representations, with Masked Autoencoders (MAE) pre-trained on ImageNet1k
achieving the highest classification accuracy, 65.29%.
This remote sensing dataset, FireRisk, provides a new direction for fire risk
assessment, and we make it publicly available on