SegCLIP: Patch Aggregation with Learnable Centers for Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation
During lung radiotherapy, the position of infrared reflective objects on the
chest can be recorded to estimate the tumor location. However, radiotherapy
systems have a latency inherent to robot control limitations that impedes the
radiation delivery precision. Prediction with online learning of recurrent
neural networks (RNN) allows for adaptation to non-stationary respiratory
signals, but classical methods such as RTRL and truncated BPTT are respectively
slow and biased. This study investigates the capabilities of unbiased online
recurrent optimization (UORO) to forecast respiratory motion and enhance safety
in lung radiotherapy.
We used 9 observation records of the 3D position of 3 external markers on the
chest and abdomen of healthy individuals breathing during intervals from 73s to
222s. The sampling frequency was 10Hz, and the amplitudes of the recorded
trajectories range from 6mm to 40mm in the superior-inferior direction. We
forecast the 3D location of each marker simultaneously with a horizon value
between 0.1s and 2.0s, using an RNN trained with UORO. We compare its
performance with an RNN trained with RTRL, LMS, and offline linear regression.
We provide closed-form expressions for quantities involved in the loss gradient
calculation in UORO, thereby making its implementation efficient. Training and
cross-validation were performed during the first minute of each sequence.
On average over the horizon values considered and the 9 sequences, UORO
achieves the lowest root-mean-square (RMS) error and maximum error among the
compared algorithms. These errors are respectively equal to 1.3mm and 8.8mm,
and the prediction time per time step was lower than 2.8ms (Dell Intel core
i9-9900K 3.60 GHz). Linear regression has the lowest RMS error for the horizon
values 0.1s and 0.2s, followed by LMS for horizon values between 0.3s and 0.5s,
and UORO for horizon values greater than 0.6s.