Catalogue of Tools & Metrics for Trustworthy AI

These tools and metrics are designed to help AI actors develop and use trustworthy AI systems and applications that respect human rights and are fair, transparent, explainable, robust, secure and safe.

BSI Flex 1890 v4:2022-03 - Connected and automated vehicles. Vocabulary

What is BSI Flex 1890 v4.0:2022-03 about? 
The market for connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) in the UK is estimated to be worth £41.7 billion in 2035. However, a lack of shared understanding of industry terms is likely to slow down the safe uptake of CAV technologies. BSI Flex 1890 defines terms, abbreviations, and acronyms for the CAV sector, focused on those relating to vehicles and associated technologies. BSI Flex 1890 has been developed via a dynamic and iterative standardization approach, called BSI Flex. This approach permits a rapid response to industry changes and can result in the publication of several versions a year. Therefore, by its nature, the CAV vocabulary will change from time to time with subsequent iteration. 

Who is BSI Flex 1890 v4.0:2022-03 for? 
BSI Flex 1890 is for use by Insurers Regulators CAV developers Legislators and organizations involved in CAV infrastructure CAV manufacturers and consumers 

What does BSI Flex 1890 v4.0:2022-03 cover? 
BSI Flex 1890 covers terms relating to connectivity and automation of roadgoing, land-based vehicles and their users. It includes definitions of 95 key terms including ego vehicle, remote operation and dynamic driving task 51 most commonly used abbreviations and acronyms such as ADAS, RADAR and CAM It does not cover terms that are manufacturer-specific. 

Why should you use BSI Flex 1890 v4.0:2022-03? 
BSI Flex 1890 was created in response to industry calls for a standardised framework that will help stakeholders to navigate through the world of CAVs. The document has been updated to ensure that the content incorporates the latest changes in the industry as technology has advanced and forms a consensus agreement from wide-ranging stakeholders. It is an indispensable tool for you to gain a consistent understanding of industry terms and abbreviations, which will help to increase confidence in the trialling and wider deployment of automated vehicles, promote communication and reduce ambiguity within the global connected and automated vehicle sector. BSI Flex 1890 forms part of a broader CAV programme of the standards led by BSI.
BSI Flex 1890 contributes to UN Sustainable Development Goal 9 on building resilient infrastructure, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization and fostering innovation. © BSI 2022 All rights reserved

The information about this standard has been compiled by the AI Standards Hub, an initiative dedicated to knowledge sharing, capacity building, research, and international collaboration in the field of AI standards. You can find more information and interactive community features related to this standard by visiting the Hub’s AI standards database here. To access the standard directly, please visit the developing organisation’s website.

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