These tools and metrics are designed to help AI actors develop and use trustworthy AI systems and applications that respect human rights and are fair, transparent, explainable, robust, secure and safe.
D-seal for responsible use of data in international examination and assessment
UNIwise supplies the WISEflow examination platform and collaborates with European institutions in efforts to transform education and improve students’ learning by digitising their exams.
UNIwise was looking for a frame of reference covering both IT security and data ethics, which could also be used in discussions with existing and potential customers – that is what the D-seal offered. It was also crucial that the criteria and requirements were suited to UNIwise’s size and risk profile.
To obtain the D-seal, UNIwise conducted a self-evaluation and had regular internal discussions on policies and procedures. It also held a workshop for management which was designed to secure commitment and ensure that the policies were implemented. In terms of documentation, UNIwise was able to make extensive use of existing process descriptions, as we are already following the principles set out in ISO 27001. But the D-seal also called for some new documentation – for example, UNIwise drew up a formal policy for data ethics.
Benefits of using the tool in this use case
Through the work that UNIwise has done with ISO 27001, exposure to security breaches has been reduced. But the D-seal adds requirements relating to the ethical aspects, which is valuable for UNIwise as a supplier to the education sector, since it is developing a product in which AI is used and where there is a strong focus on responsible use of data. UNIwise also expects to increase its competitiveness, as the requirements for trustworthy algorithms and AI should leave UNIwise well prepared for the forthcoming EU regulation in this area.
Learnings or advice for using the tool in a similar context
If the level of awareness of the D-seal increases across the EU and it is adopted as a standard, it may be easier to use it as a frame of reference when we discuss the use of algorithms and AI to process data. Internationally, there is great interest and demand for reliability and transparency from consumers and business partners when it comes to AI and algorithms.
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