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ETSI EG 203341 V 1.1.1 - Core Network and Interoperability Testing (INT) - Approaches for Testing Adaptive Networks
The characteristics of 'adaptive networks' such as virtualization, self-organization, self-configuration, self-optimization, self-healing and self-learning offer huge advantages in future networks. While technologies such as Network Functions Virtualization (NFV), Self-Organizing Networks (SON), Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) and Autonomic Network Infrastructure (AFI) may not each exhibit all the characteristics they do have one thing in common: they are all dynamic rather than static, reacting to dynamic traffic conditions, applications, service demands as well as to changes in the eco-system environment. This work item will develop a methodology (guide) that will extend current experience and testing approaches © Copyright 2023, ETSI
The information about this standard has been compiled by the AI Standards Hub, an initiative dedicated to knowledge sharing, capacity building, research, and international collaboration in the field of AI standards. You can find more information and interactive community features related to this standard by visiting the Hub’s AI standards database here. To access the standard directly, please visit the developing organisation’s website.
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- System architecture
- Interoperability
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