Alex Moltzau
NORA.ai - AI Policy, Governance, Ethics and International Partnerships
Alex Moltzau has led the coordinating work on policy and ethics in the largest national research collaboration in Norway for the last few years. During this time he has seen the development of a general approach to AI policy towards more specialised frameworks in different domains, in particular within healthcare. As part of his work Alex has mapped out the research labs and projects in AI on a national level while doing the same for the Norwegian government with AI, both on a detailed project-level. Last year he joined the committee under the Ministry of Research and Education managing the bilateral agreement on collaboration on AI Norway has signed with the United States Department of Energy. Alex holds two Master’s degrees. The first is a MSc in Social Data Science at the University of Copenhagen and the second is a Master’s in Artificial Intelligence for Public Services from four technical European universities. His first thesis focused on mapping sustainable AI and his second thesis focused on the potential use of AI model cards in the public sector. NORA.ai is a publicly owned research consortium of 11 universities & university colleges and five research institutes.
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