Andreas Hartl
Head of the Artificial Intelligence Division - Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy of Germany
Andreas Hartl was Head of Division AI 1 (Artificial Intelligence, Data Economy, Blockchain) in the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi). He is concerned with economic and digital policy aspects of artificial intelligence, block chain technology, the policy of open data and other issues of data economics. His division is responsible for the Artificial Intelligence strategy and the Blockchain strategy of the Federal Government. It is also the national coordinator for the EU’s free-flow of data regulation and is responsible for implementing the Open Data and Public Sector Information Directive in national law. He studied Law at Marburg University and took the second state exam in 2004. From 2004 until 2011, he entered employment at the Federal Network Agency, most recently involved in frequency regulation. He joined the BMWi in 2012 as Deputy Head of the division responsible for general issues of telecommunication, competitive and regulatory issues of digitization. There he inter alia coordinated the drafting of the Green Paper and the White Paper on Digital Platforms.
Andreas Hartl's publications
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