Aurélien Bellet
Directeur de recherche - INRIA
Aurélien Bellet is a senior researcher (directeur de recherche) at Inria, France. His current research focuses on the design of privacy-preserving machine learning algorithms in centralized and federated settings. He is also involved in the deployment of such approaches for health applications. Aurélien has served as area chair for top machine learning conferences such as ICML (since 2019), NeurIPS (since 2020) and AISTATS (since 2022). He co-organized several international workshops on machine learning and privacy at NIPS/NeurIPS 2016, 2018 and 2020, CCS 2021, FOCS 2022, as well as the 10th edition of the French pluridisciplinary conference on privacy protection (APVP) in 2019. He also co-organizes FLOW, an online seminar on federated learning with 1000+ registered attendees.
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