photo of Balachander Krishnamurthy

Balachander Krishnamurthy

Lead Inventive Scientist - AT&T Labs - Research

Working groupExpert Group on AI Risk & Accountability
Stakeholder TypeTechnical community
Former ONE AI participant

Balachander Krishnamurthy is a lead inventive scientist at AT&T Labs–Research. His focus of research is in the areas of fairness in ML algorithms, Internet privacy, and Internet measurements. He has authored and edited ten books, published over one hundred technical papers, holds over eighty patents, and has given invited talks in thirty-five countries. He has founded several successful academic conferences (ACM Internet Measurement Conference, Conference on Online Social Networks), has been on the thesis committee of several PhD students, and collaborated with over eighty researchers worldwide. His books include “Internet Measurements: Infrastructure, Traffic and Applications” (525pp, Wiley, with Mark Crovella),
and “Web Protocols and Practice: HTTP/1.1, Networking Protocols, Caching, and Traffic Measurement” (672 pp, Addison-Wesley, with Jennifer Rexord), which has been translated into Portuguese, Japanese, Russian, and Chinese.

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