Carlos Conde
Head of the Middle East and Africa Division and the Executive Advisor for the Istanbul Centre, Global Relations and Cooperation Directorate - OECD
Mr Carlos Conde is leading the work of the OECD with Middle East and African countries. He supervises the implementation of the Africa – OECD Partnership, in close coordination with the African Union Commission. This reinforced Partnership aims to build an impactful partnership based on trust, mutual understanding, and enhanced co-operation on an equal footing, to address mutually agreed priorities. Mr Conde reports to the OECD External Relations Committee on this matter. Mr Conde oversees the strategic orientation of the Key Partnership between the OECD and South Africa, which is working towards the implementation of a Joint Work Programme.
Mr Conde leads the implementation of MENA-OECD Initiative on Governance and Investment for Development. The Initiative promotes policy dialogue on governance, investment and private sector development between MENA and OECD countries. In line with the OECD Global Relations Strategy, Mr Conde has brought women’s economic empowerment to the forefront of the MENA-OECD Initiative, ensuring all workstreams have a specific gender angle as well as initiating specific gender programmes. Mr Conde has reinforced bilateral cooperation, notably with Egypt and Morocco through the implementation of country programmes. This approach is now extended to Mauritius, while specific bilateral frameworks are being developed with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
Between 2007 and 2014, Mr Conde led the MENA-OECD Governance Programme in the Public Governance Directorate of the OECD and supported the OECD work on public governance in Latin America. Mr Conde holds a tenure position as professor of political science and public policy at the University of Granada in Spain, where he worked until 2007 when he joined the OECD. Mr Conde led several projects of academic co-operation, research, and network building between Arab and European universities. Mr. Conde had visiting positions at Harvard University (1995-96) and Al Akhawayn University of Morocco, where he lectured between 2001 and 2003. Mr. Conde holds a PhD in Political Science and Public Administration from the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain.
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