photo of Daniele Nardi

Daniele Nardi

Full Professor - Sapienza University of Rome

Working groupExpert Group on AI, Data and Privacy
Stakeholder TypeAcademia
ONE AI Member

Daniele Nardi ( is full Professor (since 2000) at Sapienza Univ. Roma, Faculty of Information Engineering, Informatics, and Statistics, Department of Computer, Control and Management Engineering “A. Ruberti”, where he thaught Artificial Intelligence courses for more than 20 years. In Sapienza University, he was chair of the curricula in Computer Engineering starting the Master degree in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (2009), chair of the PhD programme in Engineering in Computer Science and of the National PhD programme in Artificial Intelligence, and faculty vice-dean for International Relationships.

Daniele Nardi is the Director of the Laboratory on Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems (AIIS) of National Consortium for Informatics (CINI). The Lab has more than 50 nodes, connecting a network of more than 1200 researchers in Artificial Intelligence from Italian Universities and research Centers.

Daniele Nardi is the leader of the DIAG research lab “Artificial Intelligence and Robotics”. His research on AI and Robotics was supported by national and international grants in several application domains: Elderly Care, Disaster Response, Cultural Heritage, Precision Agriculture, RoboCup Soccer Player robots. Daniele Nardi has a rich publication record (H-index > 53), including several Best Paper awards. He is EurAI Fellow, and former President of RoboCup Federation(2011-2014).

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