Gonzalo López-Barajas Húder
Head of Public Policy and Internet at Telefónica - Telefonica
Gonzalo López-Barajas Húder is an Expert on AI, Blockchain, Internet and Digital Economy. Head of Public Policy and Internet at Telefónica, where developing the Company’s public positioning on AI, Blockchain, Net Neutrality, Digital Platforms etc. Co-author of Telefonica Manifesto for a New Digital Deal, where addressing impact new technologies and digitalization on society and human lives. Member of International Chamber of Commerce BASIS Strategy Committee, and Telefonica’s representative at BIAC Digital Economy Policy Committee, and on Internet Governance forums at national, regional and global levels (IGF-Spain, EuroDIG and IGF). As Telefonica’s AI expert Gonzalo has been engaged in the development of AI related issues on The Manifesto for a New Digital Deal, Telefonica’s AI Principles, and the EU and OECD consultation processes for their recommendations on AI. Gonzalo is telecommunication engineer by ETSIT of Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM), MBA by ESADE Business School, and Certified European Financial Analyst (CEFA) by ACIIA. Twitter: @Gonzalo_LB
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