photo of Jamie Berryhill

Jamie Berryhill

Policy Analyst - OECD

Working groupExpert Group on AI Futures
Stakeholder TypeIntergovernmental
OECD Secretariat
ONE AI Member
AI Wonk contributor

Jamie is an AI Policy Analyst at the OECD. He currently leads projects on the use and implications for AI in the public sector in the Public Governance Directorate (GOV). Prior to this role, he served on the OECD.AI Policy Observatory team, leading work on AI futures, generative AI, and enhancing the OECD.AI database of AI strategies and policies. He also served as Innovation Lead at the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI). His work included leading OPSI’s portfolio on cross-border government innovation, surfacing and tracking global innovation trends and conducting research on the intersection of innovation and digital government, including the public sector use of emerging technologies. Prior to joining OECD, Jamie worked for the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) as the Chief of Policy for the US Chief Information Officer. His portfolio included restructuring technology governance in agencies, devising new funding mechanisms for tech modernisation, and providing transparency through open data and open-source policies and approaches. Before OMB, Jamie worked for the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) to provide the U.S. Congress with data-driven reviews of fraud and abuse in government programmes.

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