Janos Ferencz
Trade Policy Analyst - OECD
Janos Ferencz is a trade policy analyst at the Trade in Services Division of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). He works on analysing policy trends affecting services trade globally using the OECD’s Services Trade Restrictiveness Index (STRI), and manages the annual update of the STRI regulatory database and indices. Additionally, Janos’ work covers digital trade focusing on lowering trade barriers for digitally enabled services. He developed the OECD Digital STRI tool, and contributed to analysis on digital trade and market openness, cross-border data flows, and the trade implications of new digital technologies such as artificial intelligence. Janos also engages with various international and regional partners, including APEC and ASEAN, to assist interested economies in benefitting from the STRI tools. Janos is a jurist with background in international trade law.
Janos Ferencz's publications
AI needs the right trade policies to flourish
As trade’s reliance on AI grows, so does AI’s reliance on appropriate trade policies. Here is why.
July 21, 2022 — 5 min read
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