John McCarthy
- Director of Innovation and Technical Services - Dublin Bus (Bus Átha Cliath)
John is Director of Innovation and Technical Services at Dublin Bus (Bus Átha Cliath), Ireland’s largest transport company.
Prior this position, he led the Shared, Connected and Autonomous Vehicles activity within Arup and the European Intelligent Mobility business. Arup is a global Engineering Consultancy firm of close to 13,000 employees with offices located in every continent. These business areas look at connecting people, places and goods through the use of data and connected technology. This is underpinned by the ability to create user centric solutions powered by data and Artificial Intelligence (A.I.). Most recently, this included a deep dive data analysis and pattern processing of travel patterns as part of the COVID impact on transport. John has also been a steering group member for British Standard’s Institute (BSI’s) Development of the Operational Design Domain Standards and PAS for Connected/Autonomous vehicles.
Prior to Arup, John was Head of Discipline for Intelligent Mobility with Atkins Global, a global engineering firm of 18,000 employees. John was responsible for creating a data centric service that included early use of cloud computing, real time modelling, data lake standardisation, A.I. utilisation as well as machine learning and data interoperability. John has a PhD in Electrical Engineering from Trinity College Dublin, was an invited expert witness for the House of Lord’s Science Committee review of Automation and has publications in over 27 peer reviewed Journals and Conferences, has been a member of a number of International Steering Groups and EU programs, and a winner of a number awards including the Ireland-Newfoundland Programme for International Development and a Marie Curie training Fellowship.
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