photo of Jose Renato

Jose Renato

Co-founder - Brazilian think tank Laboratory of Public Policy and Internet - LAPIN

Working groupExpert Group on Compute & Climate
Stakeholder TypeCivil society
ONE AI Member

José Renato Laranjeira de Pereira is a co-founder of the Brazilian think tank Laboratory of Public Policy and Internet – LAPIN and a PhD Researcher at the University of Bonn’s Sustainable AI Lab. He investigates the environmental sustainability of artificial intelligence and its impacts in Indigenous communities in Brazil. José Renato has also been a UNESCO consultant for the 2024 Brazilian Presidency of the G20 within the Digital Economy Working Group, with a focus on information integrity and AI. In 2021, he was awarded the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung’s German Chancellor Fellowship to research the AI Act’s provisions on transparency and sustainability as a Visiting Researcher at the European Parliament. José Renato is a Full Member of the Brazilian Federal Administration’s Central Committee on Data Governance and a former member of the multistakeholder groups that reviewed the Brazilian AI Strategy.

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