photo of Marie-Laure Hecquet

Marie-Laure Hecquet

Policy Advisor - European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and Healthcare, Council of Europe

Working groupExpert Group on Health

Marie-Laure is Policy Advisor working in the office of the EDQM Director, providing policy and strategic advice and responsible for relationships with European partners. She started her career in the public sector as a medical and research scientist. In 2007, she joined the Council of Europe/EDQM as Scientific assistant within the European Pharmacopeia Department. She then became Scientific Programme Officer within the Department of Biological, Standardisation, OMCL and HealthCare (DBO) and was responsible for establishing quality management and capacity building activities for European Blood Establishments. In 2019, she became Head of the Healthcare Section and then Head of the Substances of Human Origin Section. In 2022, she joined the office of the EDQM Director as Policy Advisor. She hold a trinational MSc/Eng.D in Biotechnology Engineering and a certification in policy making from the London School of Economics. She has also lectured in Public Health, European Health legislation, Management of Organisations at the University of Strasbourg.

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