photo of Niki Iliadis 

Niki Iliadis 

Director of AI and the Rule of Law - The Future Society (TFS)

AI Wonk contributor

Niki Iliadis is the Director of AI and the Rule of Law at The Future Society (TFS) and is responsible for the multistakeholder coordination forum, The Athens Roundtable on AI and the Rule of Law, and TFS\’s policy engagement in the United States. Her approach centres on transforming policy ideas into actionable recommendations and leveraging the power of convenings to promote coordination. Niki has over eight years of experience in technology policy, having previously managed the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Artificial Intelligence (APPG AI) in the UK Parliament. She has worked for cross-sectoral organizations, including IEEE SA on their impact measurement, the Centre for Public Impact on bridging the policy implementation gap, Strategy International on geopolitical research, and the Embassy of the United States on US-Greece diplomacy.

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