Ong Chen Hui
Assistant Chief Executive - Infocomm Media Development Authority
Working groupExpert Group on Compute & Climate
Stakeholder TypeGovernment
- Ong Chen Hui is the Assistant Chief Executive of Business and Technology Group at the Infocomm and Media Development Authority (IMDA), where she oversees the agency’s efforts in developing the industry and research ecosystem around emerging technologies such as AI, AI Governance, 5G, 6G Research, and Trust Technologies.
- She is the chair of Singapore Women-in-Tech and one of the honorees of Singapore 100 Women in Tech 2021. She also serves in the Executive Committee of Association of Infocomm Security Professionals.
- Chen Hui has spent more than 20 years in R&D and technology innovation. Prior to IMDA, she was the APJ CTO in Trustwave – a Singtel company and Principal Member of Technical Staff in DSO National Laboratories.
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