photo of Reza Shokri

Reza Shokri

Associate Professor - National University of Singapore

Working groupExpert Group on AI, Data and Privacy
Stakeholder TypeAcademia
ONE AI Member

Reza Shokri is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at National University of Singapore, and a part-time researcher at Microsoft. His research focuses on data privacy and trustworthy machine learning. He is a recipient of the Asian Young Scientist Fellowship 2023 for his work on privacy-preserving machine learning, the NUS Presidential Young Professorship 2019-2023, the IEEE S&P Test-of-Time Award in 2021 for his work on analyzing the risks of reidentification and reconstruction attacks for location data, the Caspar Bowden Award for Outstanding Research in Privacy Enhancing Technologies in 2018 for his work on auditing privacy risks of machine learning algorithms and for the design of membership inference attacks in machine learning, a Best Paper Award at ACM FAccT 2023 for his work on analyzing fairness in machine learning, and also faculty research awards from NUS, VMWare, Meta, Intel, and Google. He obtained his PhD from EPFL.

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