Vagner Diniz Diniz
Head of Web Technologies Study Center - NIC.br (Brazil)
Vagner Diniz is the head of Web Technologies Study Center at NIC.br, in Sao Paulo, Brazil. He is an experienced ICT professional and had worked in the e-government field in Brazil for long time before his assignment to NIC.br. Currently, he is working with web standards, focusing on how important they are for the future of web, and open data on the web for machine learning. In his spare time, he is devoted to artificial intelligence and the Internet of things (IoT) and how technologies can change the way we live. Vagner Diniz holds a degree in Electronic Engineering at Federal Institute of Rio de Janeiro, and a Master Degree in Public Policy and Management at Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) in São Paulo. As a doctoral student at FGV his research project explores how artificial intelligence will shape the future of work. He has published several articles in Portuguese on open data and e-government.
Vagner Diniz Diniz's publications
Brazil should have a national artificial intelligence observatory. This is what it should look like
Brazil urgently needs an AI observatory, to connect researchers and disseminate knowledge.
June 10, 2020 — 3 min read
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