Vanja Skoric
Program Director - European Center for Not-for-profit Law
Vanja Skoric is a Program Director at the Netherlands-based European Center for Not-for-profit Law, overseeing global and European engagement programmes with 20 years of experience in legal analysis, research, litigation and strategic campaigning. She leads engagement in digital and artificial intelligence (AI) issues affecting civic freedoms and work on securitisation and counter-terrorism measures that impact civil society. Coming from Croatia, Vanja holds a LLM degree in Public International Law from the University of Amsterdam. She is currently an external PhD candidate at the University of Amsterdam Civic AI Lab, Informatics Institute, pursuing interdisciplinary research on inclusive normative design for AI systems. This includes striking the balance between AI development and safeguarding human rights and freedoms, with focus on participatory methods and frameworks for AI. Read her latest blogpost here.
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