photo of Yoav Evenstein

Yoav Evenstein

AI international keystone -

Working groupExpert Group on OECD AI Index
Working groupExpert Group on AI Risk & Accountability
Stakeholder TypeBusiness
ONE AI Member

Yoav melds expertise from AI research in academia, business implementations, and regulatory collaboration with governments. His leadership extends to both regional and global AI standardization. Embodying the essence of an “AI International Keystone,” Yoav seamlessly integrates Research, Implementation, Standards, and AI Regulation.

Motivated by the wisdom of those around him, Yoav seeks to inspire others. Driven by a passion he coined as “Bringing R&D to Life,” he aspires to transform foundational research into impactful products that resonate with and benefit humanity.

Since 2018, Yoav has spearheaded Israel’s delegation to the AI International Standardization Committee (ISO&IECs – SC42), championing the ‘Trustworthiness of AI’ and addressing its societal implications. In addition, he’s the official liaison to ITU for AI and an Invited Expert to CEN/CENELECs’ AI Committee (EU AI ACT’s Standards), OECD’s Expert Group on Risk & Accountability, OCEANIS, GAIO, GPAI and other pivotal AI forums.

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