Start date :2018
End date :
Name of responsible governmental body :
  • European Commission (EC;)
Description :
  • The coordinated plan builds on a "Declaration of Cooperation" that was signed by all EU Member States and Norway in the context of the Digital Day 2018, emphasising the willingness to cooperate more closely on AI. Includes actions to facilitate access to computing power, microelectronics, TEFs, digital innovation hubs, also in the context of generative AI.
European Union flag
  • To maximise the impact of investments at EU and national levels.
  • To encourage synergies and cooperation across the EU, including on ethics.
  • To foster the exchange of best practices and collectively define the way forward.
OECD AI principle adressed:
  • Inclusive growth, sustainable development and well-being
  • Human-centred values and fairness
  • Transparency and explainability
  • Robustness, security and safety
  • Accountability
  • Investing in AI R&D
  • Fostering a digital ecosystem for AI
  • Providing an enabling policy environment for AI
  • Building human capacity and preparing for labour market transition
  • International co-operation for trustworthy AI
Relevant policy area covered:
  • Competition
  • Education
  • Industry and entrepreneurship
  • Innovation
  • Public governance
Related to a theme:
Estimated budget expenditure (range per year):
  • More than 500M
Background including shifts in the policy initiative:
  • This plan brings together a set of concrete and complementary actions at EU, national and regional level in view of:
    - Boosting investments and reinforcing excellence in AI technologies and applications which are trustworthy and “ethical and secure by design”. Investments shall take place in a stable regulatory context which enables experimentation and supports disruptive innovation across the EU, ensuring the widest and best use of AI by the European economy and society.
    - Building on Europe’s strengths, to develop and implement in partnership with industry and Member States shared agendas for industry-academia collaborative Research and Development (R&D) and innovation.
    - Faciliate the testing of AI and the transfer of AI into the market. Create an appropriate ecosystems for companies to facilitate the uptake of AI.
    - Adapting learning and skilling programmes and systems to prepare Europe’s society and its future generations for AI.
    - Building up essential capacities in Europe underpinning AI such as data spaces and world-class reference sites for testing and experimentation.
    - Making public administrations in Europe frontrunners in the use of AI.
    - Implementing, on the basis of expert work, clear ethics guidelines for the development and the use of AI in full respect of fundamental rights, with a view to set global ethical standards and be a world leader in ethical, trusted AI.
    - Where needed, reviewing the existing national and European legal framework to better adapt them to specific challenges.
    - Fostering International Cooperation

    The plan was reviewed in 2021. The key aims of the Coordinated Plan on Artificial Intelligence 2021 Review are to accelerate investment in AI, act on AI strategies and programmes and align AI policy to avoid fragmentation.
Policy initiative is a structural reform:
  • No
  • Yes
Link to evaluation or reports:
Funding from the private sector:
  • No
Type of evaluation:
  • Reviews
Evaluation provides input to:
  • N.A
Evaluation performed by:
  • Public administration
Policy instruments :

National strategies, agendas and plans

  • Type : National strategies, agendas and plans
  • Name in English :
  • Country : European Union
  • Strategy mainly prioritises : Business innovation and innovative entrepreneurship | Access to finance for innovation (e.g. venture capital, business angels, financial markets) | Education and skills | Technology transfers and commercialisation | Specific areas/sectors (e.g. new industrial policy, R&D targets for clean tech) | Clusters and regional support (including regional/local R&D investments)
  • Societal challenge(s) emphasised : Other
  • - Other : Cross-cutting
  • Implementation mechanism : Periodic monitoring and/or evaluation of progress
Last updated : Jul 5, 2024
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