Start date :2021
End date :
Name of responsible governmental body :
  • Agency for Digital Development (ADD;)
Description :
  • Establishing a strategy and a national roadmap for developing an AI Ecosystem.
Morocco flag
  • To establish a strategy for developing an AI ecosystem and choosing priority sectors with dedicated roadmaps.
OECD AI principle adressed:
  • Inclusive growth, sustainable development and well-being
  • Human-centred values and fairness
  • Transparency and explainability
  • Robustness, security and safety
  • Accountability
  • Investing in AI R&D
  • Fostering a digital ecosystem for AI
  • Providing an enabling policy environment for AI
  • Building human capacity and preparing for labour market transition
  • International co-operation for trustworthy AI
Relevant policy area covered:
  • N.A
Estimated budget expenditure (range per year):
  • Not applicable
Background including shifts in the policy initiative:
  • N.A
Policy initiative is a structural reform:
  • Yes
  • No
Link to evaluation or reports:
  • N.A
Funding from the private sector:
  • No
Type of evaluation:
  • N.A
Evaluation provides input to:
  • N.A
Evaluation performed by:
  • N.A
Policy instruments :

National strategies, agendas and plans

  • Type : National strategies, agendas and plans
  • Name in English :
  • Country : Morocco
Last updated : Sep 9, 2022
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