Recomendaciones para el tratamiento de datos personales derivado del uso de la Inteligencia Artificial

Start date :2022
End date :
Name of responsible governmental body :
  • National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information and Personal Data Protection (INAI;Instituto Nacional de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información y Protección de Datos Personales)
Description :
  • Recommendations regarding the fulfilment of the data protection principles and duties when applying AI, also in different sectors (education, public security, health, etc).
Mexico flag
  • Spread the knowledge and the connection of AI with the fundamental right to the protection of personal data, to promote the appropriate and ethical use of personal information through different technologies that use AI for its operation and compliance with the obligations of the duty of security of personal data, for those processors for the private and public sector that develop or use AI products or services.
OECD AI principle adressed:
  • Inclusive growth, sustainable development and well-being
  • Human-centred values and fairness
  • Transparency and explainability
  • Robustness, security and safety
  • Accountability
  • Providing an enabling policy environment for AI
Relevant policy area covered:
  • Digital economy
  • Education
  • Health
  • Industry and entrepreneurship
  • Transport
Estimated budget expenditure (range per year):
  • Don't know
Background including shifts in the policy initiative:
  • Considering the growing use of Artificial Intelligence in data processing, the INAI developed the Recommendations for the processing of personal data regarding the use of AI, to promote the appropriate and ethical use of personal information
Policy initiative is a structural reform:
  • No
  • No
Link to evaluation or reports:
  • N.A
Funding from the private sector:
  • No
Type of evaluation:
  • N.A
Evaluation provides input to:
  • N.A
Evaluation performed by:
  • N.A
Policy instruments :

AI use in the public sector

  • Type : AI use in the public sector
  • Name in English :
  • Country : Mexico

Regulatory oversight and ethical advice bodies

  • Type : Regulatory oversight and ethical advice bodies
  • Name in English :
  • Country : Mexico
Last updated : Feb 20, 2024
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