
Pour éclairer les politiques, l'OCDE accueille favorablement les relations de coopération avec d'autres acteurs possédant une expertise technique, commerciale ou politique complémentaire. Il accueille les données et les informations sur les développements de l'IA avec un œil sur la portée internationale.

Partnerships & implementation

Many stakeholders are helping to develop AI through a wide range of activities and investments. This means that much information, data, and knowledge are beyond the government’s reach. To ensure that all perspectives are taken into account in its work, OECD.AI cooperates with governmental, non-governmental, and inter-governmental actors.

OECD.AI is working closely with many partners. The Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) in Slovenia, whose AI Lab provides live metrics. It collaborates with and leverages data from Event Registry, Microsoft Research, Elsevier, Github and LinkedInThe European Commission contributes to OECD.AI’s national AI policies and strategies.

OECD.AI cooperates with the International observatory on the societal impacts of artificial intelligence and digital technology (OBVIA), hosted by Université Laval in Canada. It has similar research interests and offers the potential to exchange with Quebec’s dynamic AI ecosystem.

Stakeholders who are interested in contributing to OECD.AI can contact the programme directly.

OECD.AI is supported by:


european commission logo

flag government of korea

Event RegistryInstitut "Jožef Stefan" - In-JeT ApS

File:DEgov-BMAS-Logo en.svg - Wikimedia Commons

Patrick J. McGovern Foundation -


United States Department of State - Wikipedia

Two person showing recommendation
OECD Partnerships & implementation
OECD Partnerships & implementation : handshake
OECD AI Meeting
OECD AI Meeting

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