Catalogue of Tools & Metrics for Trustworthy AI

These tools and metrics are designed to help AI actors develop and use trustworthy AI systems and applications that respect human rights and are fair, transparent, explainable, robust, secure and safe.

We propose a novel model-selection method for dynamic real-life networks. Our approach involves training a classifier on a large body of synthetic network data. The data is generated by simulating nine state-of-the-art random graph models for dynamic networks, with parameter range chosen to ensure exponential growth of the network size in time. We design a conceptually novel type of dynamic features that count new links received by a group of vertices in a particular time interval. The proposed features are easy to compute, analytically tractable, and interpretable. Our approach achieves a near-perfect classification of synthetic networks, exceeding the state-of-the-art by a large margin. Applying our classification method to real-world citation networks gives credibility to the claims in the literature that models with preferential attachment, fitness and aging fit real-world citation networks best, although sometimes, the predicted model does not involve vertex fitness.

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Disclaimer: The tools and metrics featured herein are solely those of the originating authors and are not vetted or endorsed by the OECD or its member countries. The Organisation cannot be held responsible for possible issues resulting from the posting of links to third parties' tools and metrics on this catalogue. More on the methodology can be found at