Catalogue of Tools & Metrics for Trustworthy AI

These tools and metrics are designed to help AI actors develop and use trustworthy AI systems and applications that respect human rights and are fair, transparent, explainable, robust, secure and safe.

The anonymity set for an individual u, denoted ASu is the set of users that the adversary cannot distinguish from u. It can be seen as the size of the crowd into which the target u can blend.

privASS ≡ |ASu |

Instead of users, anonymity sets can also be applied to locations, location pairs (e.g., home/work), or radio frequency identification (RFID) devices. As a result of its simplicity, the anonymity set size is widely used in the literature.

Related use cases :

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Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) have experienced significant advancements recently. Nevertheless, challenges persist in the accurate recognition and comprehension of intri...

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We present DeepSeek-VL, an open-source Vision-Language (VL) Model designed for real-world vision and language understanding applications. Our approach is structured around three ke...

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In this work, we introduce Mini-Gemini, a simple and effective framework enhancing multi-modality Vision Language Models (VLMs). Despite the advancements in VLMs facilitating basic...

About the metric

Lifecycle stage(s):

Target users:

Risk management stage(s):

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Disclaimer: The tools and metrics featured herein are solely those of the originating authors and are not vetted or endorsed by the OECD or its member countries. The Organisation cannot be held responsible for possible issues resulting from the posting of links to third parties' tools and metrics on this catalogue. More on the methodology can be found at