photo of Eric Sutherland

Eric Sutherland

Senior Health Economist - OECD

Working groupExpert Group on Health
AI Wonk contributor
Eric is a Senior Health Economist leading the OECD’s work in Digital Health, bringing together policy guidance for digital tools, integrated data, and responsible analytics including artificial intelligence. In that role, he is accountable for measuring and evolving the OECD’s Recommendation on Health Data Governance (2017) and supporting digital health policy that provides data protection (e.g. security and privacy) and timely access to quality data to optimize the use of data for information, insights, and impact among individuals, health workers, policy makers, researchers, and innovators.  
Before joining the OECD, Eric led the Secretariat for a pan-Canadian Health Data Strategy, bringing together experts and governmental leaders from across Canada to establish an integrated health data ecosystem that better uses data for health systems, public health, population health, research, and care. Eric authored the Pan-Canadian Health Data and Information Governance Framework and Toolkit and has taught courses in data science, health data governance, and privacy.

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