photo of Sarah Box

Sarah Box

Senior Counsellor - Science, Technology & Innovation - OECD

Stakeholder TypeIntergovernmental
Former ONE AI participant
AI Wonk contributor

Ms. Sarah Box was Senior Counsellor in the Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). In this capacity, she supported Directors on strategic issues such as mandates issued by the G7, G20 and other high-level fora, coordination and tracking of emerging and important work streams (including Artificial Intelligence and the OECD’s hosting of the Secretariat for the Global Partnership on AI), the development of STI’s Programme of Work and Budget and oversight of STI’s Communications Unit. Ms. Box joined the OECD in 2006 in the Development Co-operation Directorate. She moved to STI in 2007, where she developed extensive experience across STI’s wide scope of activity, including in the fields of human resources for science and technology, the OECD’s Innovation Strategy, public research organisations, the shipbuilding industry, Internet openness and digital economy, as well as serving as Counsellor to STI Directors. Prior to joining the OECD, she worked as a senior research economist at the Australian Productivity Commission and as an economist at the New Zealand Treasury.

Sarah Box's videos

Data highlight: Using live data on Al jobs and skills

Data highlight: Using live data on Al jobs and skills

February 6, 2021clock30 mins

As AI diffusion and adoption evolve apace, timely data on AI jobs and skills can help inform policy. The OECD will launch a set of new indicators and interactive visualisations showing demand for AI jobs and skills by country, AI skills penetration and migration, women in AI R&D, AI software development skills and more. This session will feature a short demonstration of new interactive datasets available on the OECD’s AI Policy Observatory (OECD.AI), followed by an exchange with OECD.AI data partners.

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