photo of Yoichi Iida

Yoichi Iida

Chair of the CDEP and Going Digital II Steering Group - Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan

Stakeholder TypeGovernment
ONE AI Member
AI Wonk contributor

Yoichi Iida is the Director of International Research and Policy Coordination, at the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan (MIC-Japan). He has been long engaged in the international policy coordination and discussions at G7, G20 and ASEAN and IGF, as well as through bilateral dialogues. In the course of 2019, he chaired G20 Digital Economy Task Force meetings and led the G20 discussion toward the adoption of “G20 AI Principles”, which is drawn from OECD AI Principles. He was elected as the Chair of the Committee on the Digital Economy Policy (CDEP) at the OECD in November 2019.

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