AI Index Report 2019 – Chapter 4 The Economy

Academia  |  July 7, 2020

Fostering a digital ecosystem for AIInclusive growth, sustainable development and well-beingInvesting in AI research and developmentShaping an enabling policy environment for AIDigital economyEconomyEducationEmploymentIndustry & entrepreneurshipInvestmentPublic governanceScience & technology

This chapter is broken into three sections: Jobs, Investment Activity, and Corporate Activity. The first section on AI Jobs shows data relating to AI jobs, hiring, and skill levels around the globe as well as in US regions. The section concludes with trends in skill penetration and labor demand for AI jobs from a sub-regional US perspective. The second section on Investment presents startup investment trends for the world, by countries, and by sectors. The third section on Corporate Activity includes data on adoption of AI capabilities in industry, drawing from McKinsey’s Global AI survey.

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